Mulberry Bush

Sanct 3   mulbery bush

We are a group for babies and toddlers (and their parents/carers) who meet on Wednesday mornings 9:30-11am for play, craft, singing and fun. The group is called Mulberry Bush.

Come and play with your kids, meet other families in the community and make friends. Babies who are not yet walking have their own peaceful room to play in, allowing mums to get together and have a cuppa and a chat.

We run a less structured session during the school summer holidays, with lots of outdoor play so there is still somewhere to go during some of those summer weeks!

Sparklers Event- 02 November 2024, 3:15pm and 4:45pm
Enjoy a story, amazing craft, lots of sparklers and a hot snack at Lower Earley Baptist Church. Book HERE

Please email Chrissy (Mulberry Bush Leader) to register or for further information.

To view the Mulberry Bush Privacy Notice, click here.