Equipped is a monthly bible study group. There are 3 groups that meet on Sunday, Monday & Tuesday. The Sunday group meet between 6:30pm & 8:00pm, the Monday and Tuesday groups meet between 7:30pm & 9:00pm. The meetings take place towards the end of each month (excluding July, August & December). Each month there is a section of the bible to read and study using a number of suggested study aids including videos and books. We then meet at the end of the month to share and discuss what we have learned.
There are two main aims of Equipped:
-Firstly to encourage and help people to study the bible in a bit more depth for themselves
-Secondly to equip us for "works of service" (see 2 Timothy 3: 16 & 17).
If you would like to be part of one of the study groups please contact Rob Cooke or the Church office.