Day 1 - Arrival 

After a gruelling 23.5hr journey from Lower Earley, Helen and Wit greeted us off the train at 2.40pm local time in the town of Uttaradit.

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Thank you so much for your prayers. We landed in Bangkok half an hour early,  picked up our bags and a tourist SIM, and didn't have to panic our way to the central train station through the city metro.

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After settling in at Wit and Helen's (with A/C in the bedrooms!), we presented them with a few thank-you gifts on behalf of LEBC - fancy biscuits, tea, and some "luxury" gardening gloves (a major hobby).


They kindly took us out for a celebratory welcome dinner, with as much garlic and chillies as we wanted to add!


Ministry begins tomorrow. But right now we're just glad to be here and settled. Time for a good night's sleep!
